Welcome to another edition of Learning Construction! Today, we're going to talk about the submission process. The three most important phases of construction are submittals, fabrication, and execution. Some middle parts are driven by the trade, which we will discuss next. Additionally, we will cover the process of learning construction and how it can be expanded. As mentioned before, some middle parts are driven by trade. To illustrate this, let's consider an example of windows. Once the window contractor is on your contract, the first thing the project management team wants to see is their submittals. These submittals outline the type of windows that will be supplied and installed. To ensure accuracy, we compare the submittals with the plans. We can easily do this by referring to the windows schedule, which is currently on page 2.5. By doing so, we verify that the chosen window, let's say window Jay, is correct. Furthermore, we thoroughly examine the details to ensure that all specifications, sizes, trims, and material choices align with what is required. Once the project management team approves the submittals, they are sent to the architect for verification. This step is crucial, as it confirms that we have made the correct choices. It's important to note that the submittal process is not simply a matter of bringing in a subcontractor and installing a window. Good results only come from diligently following the process and ensuring that the submittal aligns with the specifications. Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of comparing the submittal against the specifications. This step ensures that the specifications are accurate. To further highlight this point, let's refer back to an earlier statement. Once the subcontractor is under contract, the execution phase cannot proceed until the fabrication phase is complete. Similarly, the fabrication phase cannot begin until the submittals are fully...
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Construction submittal transmittal Form: What You Should Know
CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS. PROCEDURE for Submittal of a Construction Submittal:. 1. Complete and sign a consent to appear to be bound in writing in a format approved by GC. For construction projects where GC is not involved, the consent shall be made only by an individual authorized to make the contract. 2. Prepare the required signatures in the format shown below. The signed consent will be accepted as final when the signed forms will be presented as Exhibit A. SIGNATURE COPIES: 1. For construction projects where GC is Not Involved, Signature Copy. 2. For projects where GC is Involved but not in the Design Phase: 3) For projects where GC is Involved as Part of the Design of the Submittal Signature Copy to be Completed: CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS. Signature Copy: MATERIALS or SERVICES that require approval by GCs are defined in Part 23 of Title 23 of the State Code. Submittal Form. All forms, including the original and all copies, must be signed by all signers. Submittal to be Submitted: CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS. SUBMITTAL FORMS: CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTAL FORM: Construction Submittal form used when submitting construction information to the GC, unless otherwise noted on the form. (See “Submittal Form Detail” above). For each project, you will be given a construction transmittal form. You must complete it and submit it with your other materials and services to the GC. No other form is required by law to submit to the GC. However, if your project requires any material or service that is not listed on this form, you must use that other form to submit that material or service. Signature: Signature copies are not necessary for the Contract Documents. Please make sure to submit the required forms accurately. If you are using a computer to do to submit, please ensure that you use the most up to date version available. If you are using a PC/Mac to do to submit, please make sure you use the most up to date version available. If using a printer, you may submit the forms electronically or the copies can be faxed to the GC, unless the documents are required in person to be signed by the signer. Please do not submit them by mail.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Construction submittal transmittal form